Friday, November 4, 2011

Pan Am

Pack your bags every Sunday because we are flying Pan Am Airlines!!
I love the Sixties ever since i was a little girl, I always say I was born in the forties and lived my youth during the Sixties. Finally there is a show about four young working women in the Sixties who live their lives in a glamorous place each week. From London to Rio de Janeiro.
Pan Am is the new ABC series about two pilots and four flight attendants, each one has a history, a love life, and their present. Every week we learn a bit from each character, we fly with them to exotic places, and we also fall in love with them.
If you haven't seen the show, here is a recap about each character: Maggie, played by the amazing Christina Ricci, is a beatnik wanting something and expecting more to her life, and joined Pan Am to see the world. Laura is a runaway bride who felt that she needed to live her life before she settled down, running away dissappointed her mother, but a way she got closer to her also flight attendant sister, Kate, who is the black sheep of the family. Kate is a Pan Am flight attendant, but at the same time she is a CIA agent. Then there is the French flight attendant, Colette, who we know little about her. She is French, lived the Nazi occupation in Paris as a child, and I think there should be stronger storyline of Colette. And the boys, there is Ted, who is co pilot, is in love with Laura, and jealous of Dean's job. Now about Dean is just the most handsome pilot I have ever seen, he is a perfect gentleman. He was in love with Brigitte, a Pan Am flight attendant who disappeared due to a failed CIA mission, and now he is sleeping with his boss's mistress, but I think he should notice Colette, because during the Paris episode there was a connection between the two.
The show is so classy, elegant, chic, sexy, preppy, and ladylike style.
We have been to London, Paris, Berlin, Indonesia, Monte Carlo, and Rio de Janeiro. In the following days I will post more about the series and I will do a research on the real Pan Am. Ciao, Cherio, Au revoir, Ate a vista.

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